D.S.M.S (Digital School Management System) is a very comprehensive and revolutionary online and offline Learning and Management System that has been approved and recommended by the ICT Authority and the Government of Kenya as a transformational innovation for the Education sector. DSMS provides the platform to support Governments in Digital Literacy especially during and after the Covid 19 pandemic. Institution Administrators, Educators, Staff Members, Learners and Parents have their self-access portals to always be in touch with the institutions. With D.S.M.S learning does not stop and covers all learning institutions from Early Childhood Learning to Universities.
The System has been designed to assist users with the laws in the education sector, Acts of Parliament, different policies, rules and regulations governing various aspects of education with accurate Government communication and access to information making compliance to set standards and quality easy.
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to be approved then members of the institution can register and create their personal Digital Accounts.![]()
DSMS has been developed to very high standards ensuring quality, efficiency and world class functionality having been subjected to international evaluation and standards. DSMS provides the best solution and platform to migrate to Digital Literacy from Early Childhood Development to University Education.
Parents and guardians play very important, key, and crucial roles in Education. They work hard to ensure that their children and learners get the best education possible within their means. The parents/guardians ensure the learners stay in schools by paying fees, reviewing performances, attending school whenever necessary. DSMS has created the Parents convenience by allowing everything about their children in school to be posted in the FREE PARENTS ACCOUNT PORTAL where all information is available to the parents. From the parent’s portal, they are also able to know fee structure, fee status and pay fees directly through their mobile phones and/or Bank accounts and receipts generated and posted to them immediately.
The Government has set aside Education support funds at various levels for different education purposes. Bursary applications have been faced with many challenges key among them that the Bursary forms are not available and are given to learners who know their leaders etc. The documentation and approval of applications also become a source of corruption in some cases. DSMS has incorporated a Bursary and Scholarship Management System covering the whole Country for County and Constituency Bursary Funds. The application, consideration, and disbursement shall be TRANSPARENT, ACCOUNTABLE AND FAIR.
A user friendly customized dashboard using illustrated cartoon icons to help the user with quick navigation makes DSMS very simple to use. Any person with little computer knowledge will find DSDS to be easiest system to use without any technical assistance. The Dashboard lists out the consolidated information of all the modules available in the system making management easy, fun and profitable.
As a system for management and Learning, the E-Learning portal allows users to upload digital content in videos, documents and audio. All courses and subjects in various categories and levels can be loaded by educators and learners and even content developers which are approved by the relevant regulatory institutions and thereafter published for public use. With the Covid 19 pandemic, personal learning and development has become the new normal. DSMS is the perfect choice for home schooling and personal development
The E-Classroom module is a powerful online learning platform which allows educators to give students assignments, homework and even exams in the form of Questions and answers, multiple choice and tasks with assignments. The system provides marking schemes for the questions and answers assignments added by the educators for easy marking. The educator allocates marks while marking the assignments and the system automatically adds the allocated marks. Multiple choice questions are marked immediately and allocated marks immediately. This platform allows learning to continue even in the worst pandemic.
Whiz Virtual is our live learning platform that allows educators and learners to interact in real time. The educators can give live lectures, live stream and give live assignments online. Classes can be conducted live from anywhere around the world.
Whiz Mail is our revolutionary communication system which is inbuilt in DSMS. Most online learning platforms rely on external e-mails to communicate and most times the sent e-mails are sent to the junk folders and most e-mails are lost. Whiz mail is secure with a guarantee that all mails will reach the person intended for since it is an internal e-mail for DSMS users only.
Discussion topics are created to allow users to discuss various topic of their interests. The topics for discussion are created by users and posted for interested users to give comments and thereby providing a platform for real time suggestions and recommendations.
Students will be able to have live chats in real time with their colleagues and friends. This way they can have real time consultations and improve their academic performance and social networks.
During online learning, it is important to form discussion groups and create the ability for learners to be formed in groups and given topics and tasks to achieve. Whiz Groups provides the unique platform for learners to break away and discuss in groups and report their work.
The DSMS Mobile App allows students to access the system using their mobile phone. The cost of Digital Literacy has been prohibitive with laptops or computers making it difficult for most parents and learners to access digital content. DSMS Mobile App is the solution to affordable digital literacy. The mobile version of the system is available as an Android app. It improves the user experience in various mobile platforms. Our Mobile app improves user engagement and satisfaction while keeping lines of communication with users open. The Mobile app provides a level of value to the user and the best thing about it is that it gives users the flexibility of convenience.
Special Needs education has not been given the full attention it deserves. This is the part of education which needs special attention and care. DSMS provides digital content for learning and training to assist in this critical area.
With the Covid 19 pandemic forcing learning institutions to close and suspend learning for a long period, disaster preparedness must include hybrid learning so that a Digital Migration is initiated through online learning. DSMS is ready to lead the process.
Revision is a way of staying alert and focused in education. This module provides learners with past papers. The informative exam management portal lets students at any level avoid struggling with a lot of books in study rooms and libraries for good performance. This module allows students and teachers to access a lot of past examination papers for their revision, eventually leading to their success in examinations in various subjects / units making them ready and prepared for the coming exams and improving knowledge and performance.
The Exam module allows educators to select the exams name and type. The grading system is also pre-set to allow the system to allocate marks according to the set marks and evaluate student performance. Each learner will be individually assessed and results posted to their portals and also to the parents portals.
The notice board provides all the essential notifications and reminders regarding the school and academics. A notice board can create positive communication opportunities for employees and students. This is a place where social activities, work-related events, conferences, and meetings can be posted. Events that will occur during and outside of office hours can be posted on notice boards, among other important notices.
With concerns for the safe, secure and efficient travelling for students, our application is included with a portal for organizing transportation. Parents will be advantaged by accessing route maps, boarding points and timings of school buses. Using our mobile app, the location of the bus can be viewed in real time and SMS notifications sent to parents when boarding the bus and when disembarking. Parents get worried when their children do not return home in time. Sometimes, due to traffic congestion, delays can occur, however, since parents have no way of knowing the reason, fear and panic can easily set in. The school bus tracking using a GPS system allows parents and other users to know the exact location of the school bus using our mobile app giving parents a peaceful experience.
Avoid long queues during school admission by making all applications and registrations trouble free and easy. An enquiry towards a new student registration is done using this online application portal. The admin decides to further proceed with registration, consider further or decline the application.
Student admission ends with a detailed profile of the student including the uploading of essential certificates e.g., Birth Certificate, National Examination Certificates and the student’s profile photograph. Complete information of the student as well as contact details of parents and/or guardian, their identification documents and an Emergency contact are collected at the student admission.
Student admission ends with a detailed profile of the student including the uploading of essential certificates e.g., Birth Certificate, National Examination Certificates and the student’s photograph. Complete information of the student as well as contact details of parents and/or guardian, their identification documents and an Emergency contact are collected at the student admission.
The System has a module that creates QR coded student ID cards which can be scanned and read by a hand held QR reader like a mobile phone. Cases of fake student IDs can now be a thing of the past. Digital student ID cards will help institutions with recording attendance, access control to events, buildings, and school resources by scanning and validating the QR code with a known database of students and teachers. The student card can be branded by a sponsoring institution if any.
Covid 19 has forced everybody to adjust to a new way of life to avoid the spread. The Medical History of students can now be recorded and a contact profile provided showing possible diseases and treatments. This way a student’s medical history can assist in contact tracing and determination of how the student should be treated and/or handled.
There are a lot of occurrences in an academic institution. All these can be tracked and recorded by using the occurrence register module. Particularly, student behavior, achievements and discipline will form a major part of this module as student records are kept from childhood to employment which will assist in performing a background check and due diligence regarding the student’s discipline and behavior. Student Discipline forms a very important part in the life and history of a student. The student profile includes all disciplinary records on all the issues reported at all times. The Police Department can always refer to the student profile and reported disciplinary cases before issuing the Certificates of Good Conduct. This way, students will have no choice but to maintain high discipline knowing full well that any disciplinary record is a permanent feature in their profile which might affect their future employment.
Classified courses and subjects lists can be maintained according to class and streams. Each and every course or subject details can be individually accessed by entering details regarding course and academic year or classes and streams. Further, students enrolled for the courses and subjects can also be accessed.
Every successful institution is because of an efficient Human Resource. This module provides information on Board Members, Management Staff, Educators, Non Educators, Parents and Parents Teachers Association. The profiles are provided and their individual portals automatically created to give quick access to permitted information.
Health insurance should be a big part of Education. DSMS encourages users to be Health insured so that they can have a cushion when disaster or sickness strikes. This module works with insurance companies to send reminders when the insurance payments fall due.
Educators registered and assigned subjects and /or courses which tracks the Educators working experience and records all work stations of the Educator and the subjects / units or courses that they teach. At all times, the educator’s work experience will be available at the touch of a button.
No one can access the data of the account other than the account holder (with valid password). Your data is 100% secure with us. We take daily backup of your data so that in case of server-crash, data can be seamlessly restored from backup. All data is securely stored in multiple cloud based storage servers hence making the institutions data super secure. We encrypt the data such that even in the unlikely event of unauthorized access, the data will be in a format that must be decrypted using our secure software. An Audit Trail report is programmed to be sent to the users portal every week regarding system access outlining who accessed the system and the time and date that the access happened.
With the rising cases of fake education certificates, our system generates certificates with security based QR codes containing information that can be scanned to reveal the secrete details to verify certificates. National Examination certificates are uploaded by the institutions before issuing to students whereby the system generates a unique certificate verification code to be used for verification. This way, fake education certificates will be totally eradicated and only genuine certificate holders considered.
Special privileges and permissions are given to the users to access their respective modules and portals. Parents and students have their own privileges to access the modules allotted to them e.g., student performance, assignments, fees payment among others. Educators can access their portals and give assignments, post results and generate report cards which can be posted to parents and learners to their portals for easy access.
Approved books for various syllabuses shall be posted to learners and parents portals to enable them to purchase the correct approved books. Library management system, one of the prime features provides simplified record keeping of book borrowers. The librarian as well as the members can have access to the details of the book that has been borrowed and when the books should be returned.
Updated time subjects of all classes by the respective class teachers and other events can be published on the institution’s timetable management portal. Students get notified with the class modules and also by accessing their portals. Automatically generated reminders are set to send notifications at the appropriate times.
Student attendance can be recorded through the student card with the QR Code and also by interpreting a Biometric system which ensures that students actually attends classes and genuinely earn the certificates that they get to be awarded. Employee attendance can also be implemented in the same manner.
Users have personal files folder which allows them to have personal files and videos which allows Educators to upload their personal file and to have their lesson plans and other files securely saved for future use.
Recognizing success and achievements is a way of encouraging hard work. Pre-designed certificates templates needed for various achievements to be awarded to the students have been created to make it easy for the institutions to award certificates in time and at very little cost of printing the certificates at the institution.
The hostel facilities can be successfully managed using this module. The allocation of hostel room, bed, payment of hostel fee can be easily done using this module.
This module allows Educators and administrators to promote students / learner to new classes within the learning institution and records that the student was moved to the new class on a specified date which will form the learner’s education history.
Student movement is critical to track how a student has been attending classes. Eventually if there is need to transition to a new school, the system provides an easy transition platform for the student to be moved to the new school upon application and subsequent approval for transfer and transition to the new learning institution. The System moves with the student and the student moves with the system.
At the end of an education cycle, students graduate with different qualifications. The graduation module provides the date of graduation and a list of the graduands with their graduation credentials. The graduation documents are uploaded using a unique code which can be verified by the system to confirm the authenticity of the documents using the verification module.
Maintaining a positive relationship with an institution’s alumni means that the messages they share about the institution will also be positive – and current. The relationship between alumni and institutions stall when they leave campus, their knowledge of activities and achievements will no longer evolve. The messages they will share with people will be out-of-date and could reflect poorly on the progress the institution has since achieved. Maintaining communication channels with alumni means they are kept informed of the institution’s achievements and make them part of the institution's future, not just its past. A portal for Alumni is created where Alumni students register and can access current and permitted information.
The Task manager module allows the admin to allocate duties to the teachers, employees and students, based on priorities. The tasks can be communicated by our Whiz Mail to the portals of the individuals assigned. This simple Task Manager makes it easy to keep track of all Tasks and To Do lists. Its intuitive design allows users to stay productive in their everyday life. Tasks can contain Title, Description, and Due Date, Create tasks with or without time constraints and priority, Tasks are sorted by due date, High priority tasks are labeled and appear at the top of the list, mark Task as completed.
All financial transactions for the institution are processed in this module. The basic financial transactions of the institution from fees payments, employees’ salaries to petty cash can be managed without the need of any other expensive accounting software. From this module financial reports can be generated to analyze the financial situation of an institution. School administrators or parents can have access to the fee remittance status of a student. Financial transactions of an educational institution can be made more transparent by publishing the updates in this portal. Manage Fees and schedule automatic reminders to remind parents about balances and due dates effectively managing financial transactions.
The fee payment module allows parents to immediately receive SMS and email notifications of receipts whenever a payment is made and also sends out reminders whenever pledges are made or whenever there is a balance due to fall on a certain date. Payments can also be made at the comfort of our mobile app for maximum convenience. Receipts and payment statements are posted to the parents and students portals for record keeping.
The salary management of the employees of the institution is handled effectively and efficiently making use of this module. There is no need of purchasing any other expensive accounting software for this purpose. The system takes care of this. All deductions, contributions and repayments can be set up so that every month, an accurate payroll is created.
Salary pay slips with statutory and other deductions are promptly prepared and posted to the employees portals for efficient and timely payment of salaries.
The overall status of a student can be reviewed by the use of report generation option. Reports on fee remittances, salary payments and exam results are made possible in this section. This module enables the institution to conduct analysis from custom reports generated by the system which can be specific to desired periods.
The employees are able to apply for leave from their portals or through the mobile app. This makes the leave management efficient and easy. With this module, each employee knows how many leave days they have and make leave application accordingly. The admin approves or declines the leave applications and notifies the applicant through their portals and giving reasons for decline if that would be the case.
Music forms an important part in people’s lives for relaxing and for some people for support to work for longer hours. DSMS provides over 10,000 hours of categorized assorted music for entertainment and emotional support. With the mobile app, DSMS is indeed music to the ears of many users.
DSMS centralizes storage of your school records thus saving you from stress of lost or misplaced files. It keeps your data organized and easily accessible for reference or critical decision making
Many learning and management systems are very expensive which makes it difficult for migration to Digital Literacy. DSMS has been developed to address this problem which makes DSMS a very powerful institution management and learning system affordable to all users. Different education levels have a different subscription price to ensure that all users can benefit at very low prices. Educators, Learners and other users pay for the subscription of their Digital Accounts according to their institutions levels. This frees Government funds and creates a lasting sustainable partnership with the Learning institutions and DSMS users
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